wow what a crazy summer…i played 112 shows in three months and i think maybe it’s time

to slow it down a bit and get back to the creative stuff…the fall season is my absolute favorite

time of year for so many reasons, and playing out is one of them!…ill still be playing a lot

but the doubles and long distance trips are only going to happen a couple times a month.

there is so much to look forward to: weddings, parties, bon fires, and everyone is back to

dressing up which is cool too! this is the time of year when I’m usually most creative, everything starts

to change again and the slow progression into winter makes my mind crazy to store information

and gives birth to fresh ideas. ill be using this cpu to record again and hopefully over the next

couple months i can get those ideas down so all of you can get into my head to see

and feel where my mind has been going this past year. thanks for reading, and as always,

keep checking the website for new stuff!